Police gazette photos nz. NEW ZEALANDPOLICE GAZETTE.
Police gazette photos nz 21 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. The first photograph to be included in the Police Gazette was published in the issue of 20 April 1904. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1934. The Police Gazette is a GONFiBENTBAL publication, and is issued for the information and exclusive use of Members ofthe Police Force and Prison Officials, and its contents MUST NOT be disclosed to other persons. The Police Gazette changed in 1976 to a publication which listed only the movements of police officers by rank change and station transfer. Updates about local and national traffic issues and crime incidents. ILLUSTRATION Bryant, Charles Archer. Ah Yook . (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 139, and Photographs, page 30. Class 9/1 or 9/2 U/R II/IO 6. 24/164. Tasmania Police Gazette 1913; Tasmania Police Gazette 1914; Tasmania Police Gazette 1915; Tasmania Police Gazette 1916; Tasmania Police Gazette 1917; Tasmania Police Gazette 1918; Tasmania Police Gazette 1919; Tasmania Police Gazette 1920; Tasmania Police Gazette 1921; Tasmania Police Gazette 1922; Tasmania Police Gazette 1923; Tasmania Police NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. ) llawera. 19. Class 25/18 O/At (O/O) 18. Police Gazettes contain photographs of criminals from the early 20th Century onwards [ACIS 17653] There are also specific Police Photographic collections and supplements: Police Gazettes, Photographs [AAAJ W4928/26-65] Police station records from Hāwera, Ōpunake, Pātea and Normanby, Police Gazette Photographs [AAXZ W4888/2-5] Whānganui article police districts and stations. Class 13/17 U/R OO/IO 9. Other Versions Print version: New Zealand police gazette Other Titles N. —2nd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for one month in default of paying £lO arrears on a maintenance orderfor thesupport ofhis illegi- timate child,JamesRobertCrackett, agetwenty-seven,height 5 ft. No. (See Police Gazette, 1930,page 868. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1927. ILLUSTRATION Ackers, Cecil Albert. ] PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. Mostly 11" x 16", the collection includes 112 full page images of boxers, along with 8 pages with collage images. During this time, provincial governments were responsible for policing in the colony. The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. p. 42. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. title_section masthead. I/II) I/7; ILLUSTRATION Allwood, Henry P. THE following regulations were laid before the members Papers Past. — Daniel Wilkinson Walker, default of maintenance, has paid the arrears to the Mount Eden police. ILLUSTRATION Alexander, James Ogden, alias Briggs, A. Class 17/3 I/O 15. Publication Date . ) Auckland. —H. Microfilm 35mm. police gazette Publisher arrestedbythe QueenStreet Wharf(Auckland)police. V. Class 32/32 II/M?M? M?/M? ILLUSTRATION Blakey, Walter, alias Blakie. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past | Magazines and Journals | New Zealand Police Gazette | 19 January 1898 This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. NZ Police Gazettes records from 1878 to 1945 published on Ancestry. Christchurch. Gazette, "Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. Fox beginning in 1877, it became the forerunner of the men's lifestyle magazine, the illustrated sports weekly, the girlie/pin-up magazine, the celebrity gossip column, Guinness World Records-style competitions, and modern tabloid/sensational journalism. INSTRUCTIONS. 20/223. Of the four, it must be This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. /ii) 11/i The Victorian Police Gazette only started including photographs in the early 1900s, so they wouldn’t have an image for your great grandfather from the 1800s. Class 11/2 U/U OO/O 17/15; ILLUSTRATION Ansley, Claude. The police had had her house under surveillance from 6 September, and had observed men, including soldiers, coming and going, drinking and carousing. 40/698. 1909- include separate section Photographs of discharged prisoners. 44/818. —For instructions as to the mannerinwhich Mugshots had been taken by the New Zealand police since 1886, and from 1903 the police formalised the systems for recording information about criminals, which included compulsory fingerprinting and photographs. l2th ultimo, for false pretences, Edward Tregenza, alias Hugh AnthonyParker, aliasCarlisle, referred toin Police Gazette, 1937,page 763, and Photographs, 1931, page 26. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past | Magazines and Journals | New Zealand Police Gazette | 30 January 1935 The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. Wellington 1928, „ 119 Anderson, Arthur Morrison Default of fine and costs Invercargill Inquiries This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. ) Taneatua. (See Police Gazette, 1940, page 314. 4d. — BROS, foundry broken into: The postalnote for6s. G. —Between the9th and 11thJulylast,with intent to murder Charles Topp, farmer, Medbury, North Canterbury,andhis sister,MaryTopp,whowas housekeeping NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. - include separate section Prisoners' photographs . P. Class 13/17 R/A (IO/. NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. 40/672. —The figure at the end of a name represents the preeentage of contributions under section 29 of the Public Service Glassification and Superannuation Act, 1908. ILLUSTRATION Allison, Herbert Edward. Indicates despite first impressions the volumes are not about criminals but they In total, about 520,000 records and 50,000 photographs can be found in the New Zealand Police Gazettes stored on Ancestry. Class 9/9 U/U O/OO 28/14 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXX, Issue 17, 2 May 1945, Page 32 (Supplement) Using This Item NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. on 29 microfilm reels : ports. Safe speed camera photo requests are free and cannot be actioned over the phone. ILLUSTRATION Ballintine, Cecil James. In the first part of the 20th century, the United States The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. Class 25/1 I/IO 9. The presentation turns the pages back on 150 years of New Zealand culture and history. 1952 Policewomen’s Wide Brimmed Hat. Class 32/32 IO/IM; ILLUSTRATION Barron, Thomas Edward. It contained descriptions of crimes, wanted offenders, missing people, deserters, stolen items, and lost and found property, as well as notices about The NZ Police Gazettes (Wellington series) have now been digitised and are available for viewing on the Archway website. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1927. Click to request to view this item, access digital version (if available), and see more information. Anonymous RSS access is not permitted. article new zealand police. Class 10/22 A/U (. new zealand police, ōtautahi christchurch, Adlam, Vivian James, alias Ferguson, Robert Thomas, alias Horrell, James Henry. Find the item in another New Zealand library referred toin Police Gazette, 1933, page' 332, and Photo-graphs,page47, Edward Basil Thomas Finn, convicted (see Police Gazette, 1940, page 87): His photograph was unsuitable for reproduction, and the words NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. ) Tiiewarrantissued forthe arrestofJohnFrancis Walsh, for desertinghiswifeatDunedin,has been cancelled. Download full-text PDF Read full-text. 41/927. P. ) Putaruru. , alias Farrell, Thomas Theodore Edward. 27/142. (SeePolice Gazette, 1932,page 529. It was followed by the Canterbury Police Gazette in 1863, the Southland Police Gazette (1864), and the Auckland Police Gazette (1865). . New Zealand Gazette, No 55, 5 September 1968, 1491 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 56, 5 September 1968, 1519 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 57, 12 September 1968, 1555 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 58, 19 September 1968, 1595 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 59, 26 September 1968, 1635 (see page Hi everyone, Exciting news! From an article just published in the latest issue of The New Zealand Genealogist comes a mention that the New Zealand Police Gazette, at present digitized and available on Archway, will soon be uploaded on to Papers Past. ILLUSTRATION Alden, Eric Arthur. Originally aimed at the police and intended to help them identify criminals, the Police Gazette came under control of Richard Fox in 1877 and developed into a bar room and barbershop mainstay replete with sports, On the 16 December 1918 the Police Commissioner John O’Donovan wrote in the Police Gazette: “The Honourable the Minister of Justice desires to place on record here his deep regret for the death of these valuable officers, and his sense of the loss the Department has sustained thereby. ILLUSTRATION Applebee, Charles. District news. Allen, Horace Clifford . (SeePolice Gazette, 1935,page698. ILLUSTRATION Amer, Nelson George. He committed a similar offence onErnest Dorrell Bennett, merchant,MariaPlace, Wanganui, from whom he obtained three motor-shavers, a Packard shaver, two gross ofhacksaw-blades, and other samples, value £25 18s. , labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Notes. ILLUSTRATION Anderson, William. Class 1/3 OI/I 4/4 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 35, 3 September 1941, Page 45 (Supplement) Using This Item NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. f XS/A/Ab] Cambridge. lk. 27/848. ILLUSTRATION Ackerman, William Thomas. g. F. 1991-2002. —2nd ultimo, on warrant for assaulting Mugshots had been taken by the New Zealand police since 1886, and from 1903 the police formalised the systems for recording information about criminals, which included compulsory fingerprinting and photographs. ILLUSTRATION Andrew, Norman Jack. Constable Josephine Brophy becomes a police driver delivering constables to enquiries, escorting prisoners and delivering documents. 38/424. 40a. Ah Soon Unlawfully remaining in New Zealand Auckland 1928, „ 249. Men wore a blue-grey shirt and women a white one (see below NZ Police Gazette 11 February 1959). It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past ARTICLE PRISONERS’ PHOTOGRAPHS. on the 29thultimo, thedead body ofanew-born female European childwas found washed up on the beach. All copies of the Police Gazette are to be amended •accordingly. There are two ways you can request a photo: Online: Safe speed camera photo request online form. New Zealand Gazette, No 66, 2 September 1922, 2361 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 67, 7 September 1922, 2365 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 68, 14 September 1922, 2429 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 69, 14 September 1922, 2465 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 70, 21 September 1922, 2615 (see The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. 11. 28/139. NEW ZEALAND POLICE. P Under publisher Richard K. Anderson, Ruby, alias Anderson, Ruby This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. grouping_node new zealand police gazette. All news. The New Zealand Police Gazette for 1945 is still in copyright. Pandora Research www. Talks about the appearance of photographs in the weekly issues and the increasing size of the actual volumes. Ngā Niupepa Newspapers; Ngā Maheni me ngā Hautaka Magazines and Journals; Ngā Reta me ngā Rātaka Letters and Diaries; Ngā Pepa nō te Whare Pāremata Parliamentary Papers; Ngā Pukapuka Books; Āwhina Help. 20/185. The body which wasnaked showed no signs ofviolence, The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. 44/895. Family violence. Failing to maintain Wellington 1928, page 119. Police Constable Women Sri Understanding the infringement process, how to pay, lost notice, request safety camera photo, transfer liability and more. 41/638. A beautiful collection featuring some of history's greatest pugilists, we offer a collection of Police Gazette boxing supplements totaling 120 and ranging from the late-19th century through the 1920s. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past ARTICLE PRISONERS' PHOTOGRAPHS. The New Zealand Police Many of these Police Gazette's have more than one Index which can be confusing to those who haven't seen them before. Julie Vowinkel will now lead operations for law enforcement in Dunnellon, ending the city’s long history of maintaining its own police department. Class 1/17 At2r/R (. InPolice Gazette, 1917,page 568, Richard Thomas Hearn appears as convicted on 31/8/17. ) MaryAnn Shannon, aliasMargaret Farrell, charged on warrantwithhabitual drunkenness, has been arrestedbyCon-stable James Christie Police gazette, 1854-1930. His arrest is desired. 22/453. 22. I/OO) O/I; ILLUSTRATION Beattie, Douglas David. Z. (From New Zealand Gazette , 1917, page 3008. -Conviction to be deleted. Photo / File. 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1926. Police Gazette Reference. Photo courtesy of “Trentham in Retrospect,” a history of Police Training in New Zealand by the NZ Police. The arrest or location ofpersons described in the Police Gazette, or respecting whom crimereports or othernoticeshavebeen forwardedforinsertionin the Gazette, should be promptly notified by the member of the Force Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. 26/575. Police Gazette, 1935, page 671, and Photographs, 1936, page 2, who was givenpermission tolive on the scow,and left suddenly. —John William David Mason Jackson, theft (see Police Gazette, 1939, page 78). 37/430. MCSO Lt. Search Rapua. 34/474. 21/600. PERSONS WANTED. What is Ngā Tānga Reo Māori? He aha Ngā Tānga Reo Maori? All of these words Ēnei kupu katoa. —David Emmett Hassett, failingto maintain, has been arrested bythe Waihipolice. He was neatly dressed in a dark-blue suit of herring-bonepattern. The government’s limited tolerance for dissent disappeared completely after the introduction of conscription in August 1916, and on 4 December 1916 it issued War Regulations banning ‘seditious utterances’ in the public sphere. Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. How to report bad driving, legislation, speed limits To request an API key, please email us at info@gazette. While these Description: Explores the main types of information to be found in the Police gazettes from 1863 to 1899. —Alfred Cafler reports that on the 13th ultimoan attempt was madetoburn down his store-house, which contained kauri-gum and kerosene, stored by S. ) The following list, showing the dates of appointment to the various ranks, is published for general information: — [NOTE. Police Constable Driver – Special Task Force – Sri Lanka Police. Class 19/ NEW ZEALANDPOLICE GAZETTE. ©1925-2008 LexisNexis NZ Limited. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past | Magazines and Journals | New Zealand Police Gazette | 23 October 1940 The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. 2sth ultimo,onwarrantforfailingtocomply with the termsofa maintenance orderforthesupport ofhis wife, Frank Rothville, age forty-five,height5ft. SPECIAL NOTICE. 39/509. How to report bad driving, legislation, speed limits, road safety cameras and other safety advice. (See Police Gazette, 1930,page 789. N. Class 15/25 R/R O/I 21. Class 9/1 At/R 10. —lothJuly last, onwarrant ofcommitment to Kaikohe Prison for three days indefault ofpaying £2 Bs. Browse 10,213 authentic nz police stock photos, high-res images, and pictures, or explore additional crime or scam stock images to find the right photo at the right size and resolution for your project. Publication Date. Gazettes hold details of matters reported to police throughout Queensland and copies are available at Queensland State Archives from 1864. (See Police Gazette, 1933,page 55. Vol. In its heyday it was immensely influential. ) Index of Persons Summarily Convicted. Unlawfully remaining in New Zealand Auckland 1928, „ 249. 23/387. Class (See Police Gazette, 1933, page 23, and Photographs, 1925, page 28. Ngā Tānga Reo Māori only Ngā Tānga Reo Māori anake. Thisshouldread 4/9/15. GROUPING_NODE NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Separate publications covered the criminal information: Photo This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. 1953 This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. Fox, it became the forerunner of the men's lifestyle magazine, the illustrated sports weekly, the girlie/pin-up magazine, the celebrity gossip column, Guinness World Records-style Police Gazette, 1931,page 460, and Photographs, page 58. AU4103C-1864 ISBN: 978 1 921230 65 3 These books were kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the Queensland Police Museum Gazette carefully, and to Notify to the Commis. This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. Traffic alerts. Napier. Canterbury police were responsible for the Coast until Westland was established as an independent county in 1868 with its own police force. ILLUSTRATION Untitled; ARTICLE PRISONERS’ PHOTOGRAPHS. 25/391. illustration anderson, gordon alexander. Under publisher Richard K. Index of Discharged Prisoners (includes crime, year of birth, description, native of, scars, etc. Crown copyright material in this archive of the New Zealand Gazette is produced under permission granted by the New Zealand Gazette Office. Inspector Chris McLellan has escorted two women in labour to Northland hospitals. —At9. Parts of the Christchurch New Zealand Gazette, No 66, 2 September 1922, 2361 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 67, 7 September 1922, 2365 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 68, 14 September 1922, 2429 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 69, 14 September 1922, 2465 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 70, 21 September 1922, 2615 (see Electrician George Billings was one of the several hundred men called up for military service who refused to serve on moral grounds. — Francis Wooster, alias Frederick Wooster, default of maintenance, has paid the arrears to the Culvcrden police. article supreme court and court of appeal sittings, 1940. ILLUSTRATION Beere, George James. A gunman and two others were killed following NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. Class 17/13 IO/OO; The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. m. A. Class 5/ This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. ILLUSTRATION Aberhart, Elizabeth Maude, alias Tasker, Maud. (See Police Gazette, Police gazette, 1854-1930. Balloted on 20 August 1917, Billings failed to appear for his medical inspection and the Defence Department ordered his arrest. Class 29/25 MM/OO 20. PIG. ILLUSTRATION Amies, George Lessells. Class 25/1 I/OO Rua Kēnana Labourer, born about 1869, New Zealand Tried: 17 October 1916, Auckland Supreme Court Charges: Sedition, resisting police, counselling persons to murder, counselling persons to discharge arms with intent to resist lawful apprehension, counselling persons to wound, counselling persons to assault police, counselling persons to do bodily harm Pokekohe. ) alias Lydia, McCartney Wellington Wellington 6/2/284/4/28 theft . 27/138. How to get help for family violence (domestic violence) and learn about Protection Orders and Police Safety Orders. Ngā Niupepa ARTICLE PRISONERS’ PHOTOGRAPHS. Auckland. The original Police Gazette was renowned for many things, but foremost were its marvelous illustrations. — Agnew, John . ,3 in. 29/815. ×. Salt Lake City, Utah. ILLUSTRATION Barrett, John. Whangarei. 32/394. TITLE_SECTION Masthead. 11 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. (SeePolice Gazette, 1880, pages 158 and 219, and 1881,page 67. Arrests. The Police Gazette is an online resource for searching historical police records and crime reports. Class 1/1 A/A OO/OO 21/11; ILLUSTRATION Balks, Thomas Simpson. p. Inspector General of Police (Corporate) Format. Class 5/19 R/Or (OI/O) 13. He assumed the name Robert James Noolan. ) Thames. ILLUSTRATION Aldekton, Alexander. Class 29/24 O/I; ILLUSTRATION Adams, Wilfred Harold, alias Lever, alias Cahill. —Onthe Taking the New Zealand Police Gazette 1916 Vol 41 as an example, there is a: General Index. New Zealand Police, Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand. ILLUSTRATION Ashenden, Sidney, alias Robinson. Physical. co. ILLUSTRATION Aitken, Edward Ernest P. Total Page :16. The National Police Gazette, commonly referred to as simply the Police Gazette, is an American magazine founded in 1845. Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. 10 lacks some issues. Failing to maintain . Help with reading books-- Report a bad link-- Queensland Police Gazette Compendium 1864-1870 Ref. com. May 6, 2021 Gazette. The sentence of seven years’ imprisonment imposed on John ChristieSpence,referred toinPolice Gazette, 1934,page 643, has been reduced by the Court of Appeal to five years, the sentence Cumulates the fortnightly ed. On the night of the 13th December last, complainant attended a party at 52 Wynyard Street, and was in the company of James Verdi Gestro, referred to in Police Gazette, 1944, page 119, and Photographs, 1937, page 60, and Michael Ernest McGann, referred to in Police Gazette, 1944, page 957 amPT I holographs, 1943, page 61. ARTICLE PRISONERS’ PHOTOGRAPHS. ILLUSTRATION Adams, Cyril James. P Keep up to date and subscribe to NZ Police news and insights. Place of Publication. SEPTEMBER 10, 1902 Arson. NOTICE. It was based on similar police gazettes from Australia. 25/551. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1932. Rawnsley and the NorthNew Zealand Packing Syndicate. 34/608. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1924 PRISONERS’ PHOTOGRAPHS. ,under an arrangement tosell them on a commission basis. Body of ChildFound. ILLUSTRATION Adrian, George Carl, alias Adrian, George R. Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. It is now said that the sight of his right eye is impaired, and he may seek treatment at a hospital. Explore Authentic Police Gazette Stock Photos & Images For Your Project Or Campaign. Class 1/1 R/U II/II 10/5 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 48, 2 December 1942, Page 70 (Supplement) Using This Item NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. 41/576. Jack Anderson, inquired for (see Police Gazette, 1941,page 774), is identical withJames Henderson referred toinPolice Gazette, 1942,page 194, 463 The Police Gazette is a CONFIDENTIAL publication, and is issued for the information and exclusive use of Members of the Continues the exploration of information to be found in the NZ Police Gazette. — August NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. The Otago Police Gazette, established in 1861, was the first to be published in New Zealand. ILLUSTRATION Andrews, John Tahu. Authors. Any of these words Tētahi o ēnei kupu. ' . nz Index to New Zealand Police Gazette Volume 2 (1878) Archives NZ Reference ACIS 17653 P12/7/12 Online: AAAJ 5803 W5609/1 Name Born Native of Tried Notes Page John Aagesen 163 John Aagesen 172 Abbotsford Railway Station Obstruction on line 111 Henry Abbott 60 Jonas Abrams Constable Auckland 166 Red light camera photos are identified by a 9 digit ICN number which always starts with the figure “1”. Christchurch Red Zone "Christchurch, New Zealand - March 4, 2013: A police car drives past damaged buildings on New Regent St near Cathedral Square. ILLUSTRATION Aitchison, Robert John, alias Aitcheson. Contents of all available issues of the New Zealand Gazette dating from 1841 to 2008 grouped by year and ordered by page reference. was cashed atAuckland on or about the Ist ultimo bya Man (name unknown), who cannotbe described. Class 14/2 U/U OO/OO 18/16 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 35, 2 September 1942, Page 54 (Supplement) Using This Item NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. 1951: Policewomen are officially recognised and their appointments appear in the New Zealand Police Gazette for the first time. Go here to see the Illustrations New Zealand Police Gazette: Note: issues online 1877-1945 : Link: Subject: Police -- New Zealand -- Periodicals: Subject: Gazettes -- New Zealand: Other copies: Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. . , labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build,<JlarK complexion A 1922 cover page, showing Gladys Frazin. Index of Persons Summarily The Police Gazette is a CONFIDENTIAL publication, and is issued for the information ofmembers ofthePoliceForce, and Officers engaged in theadministration ofjustice,ONLY. 39 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1943 PERSONS WANTED Kaikoiie. There is an online index to the Register of Male and Female Prisoners (1855-1947 )available on the Public Records Office Victoria website. 22/580. illustration untitled; article prisoners’ photographs. com; ForcesWarRecords. Image Group Number (DGS) Format; 1854 - 1860 (Includes the Victorian Gazette) Granite Mountain Record Vault: British Film: 1686695 : 8112233: Research Guide to Police Gazette records at Queensland State Archives. Class 9/30 A/A The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. ILLUSTRATION Davis, Norman. /DEV/NULL LIMITED 03 LASER SPECIALISTS LIMITED 062676 LIMITED The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. Class 25/25 00/OI 15. O) 20. about 520,000 records and 50,000 photographs can be found in the New Zealand Police Gazettes stored on Ancestry. 1. ILLUSTRATION Achilles, Ernest Cecil. Class 1/1 U/R IO/IO 21/10; ILLUSTRATION Andrew, George Howard. Willprobably be dressed in stolen dark-grey tweed trousers Act, 1920),WalterStanleyBrown,referred toinPolice Gazette, 1929,page 346, and Photographs, 1925,page 50. Notes that special permission must be obtained from the Commissioner of Police to access the Police Gazette if it is less than 70 years old. 27/231. ARTICLE NEW ZEALAND POLICE. (See Police Gazette, 1881,page 92. The papers described her as well-dressed, though police records noted she had a broken nose, a broken cheek bone, and no teeth in her upper jaw at the time of her arrest. 39/508. ILLUSTRATION Anderson, Harold Arthur, alias Anderson, Arthur Harold. Class 25 NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE No. Class 30/32 IO/O; ILLUSTRATION Boston, Reginald. The Police Gazette was a very useful tool for police officers and contains a wealth of information about Queenslanders from all walks of life. ] PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY. ) 0t-Wellington. Otaki. See original record. All indexes are alphabetical. • How New Zealand police used finger print evidence to NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. Northland police officer Chris McLellan is happy to provide a police escort for women in labour to This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. Police officers stand on patrol in a cordoned downtown area on July 20, 2023 in Auckland, New Zealand. ILLUSTRATION Arthur, Sydney Albert, alias Arthur, Sydney P. Add to Print List. Language. 30. Find the perfect police gazette stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. ) RESOLUTION. ARTICLE EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past | Magazines and Journals | New Zealand Police Gazette | 1 July 1891 F. —l3th instant, that he may be interviewed NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Can Papers Past provide an approximate date when this may take place? The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. Pictured on this month’s cover are the four men most responsible for making and keeping the National Police Gazette an American institution for 130 years. lid. (See Police Gazette, 1941, page 296. — Alice Swanson, referred to in Police Gazette, 1927, page 783, died at Auckland on the 24th ultimo. com (SeePolice Gazette, 1938,page 335, and Photographs,page 27. 35 Brief history of the police gazettes. —9th ultimo, on warrant for breaking and enteringby day the dwelling of Peter Sumichwithintentto commit theft, Henry Ripi, referred to inPolice Gazette, 1944, page 228; usually dressed in khaki riding breeches, brown leather leggings, and navy-blue coat; renders items atdances held byMaoris. 5 in. WELLINGTON,WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1938. nz with the following information: Your name; Business name (if applicable) Email address; Reason for requesting RSS access; Queries are restricted to one per day. 15 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY, WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1934 PERSONS WANTED. This exact phrase Tēnei kupu tonu. Class 1/1 U/U IO/II 12/16; NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. Class The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. — Fowler, theft: James Allan Crosbie has been charged with the offence by the Thames police. which replaced the Otago and Canterbury police gazettes. Set up an RSS feed. 35/479. Accused obtained£6os. Publisher. Sentence Varied. Heis identicalwith NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. nzpictures. Historical police gazettes are useful for genealogists and local historians. 8 in. Much like Otago’s, the Canterbury Police Gazette contained notices about crimes committed, items stolen, reports on inquests, and information about missing people, deserters, and escaped prisoners. au. The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of copyright. All of them are pioneers and/or geniuses in the field of popular magazines, and all of them knew there was something about the Police Gazette in particular that made it worth the effort. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Attempted Murder. Index to Photographs (from 1886). Robert Stout was the NZ Premier when he prosecuted the Tom Hall case Photo: Alexander Turnbull Library Ref: 1/2-098553; F Along with the poison in his pocket, the police discovered a bottle of poisoned brandy on Kitty’s bedside, another bottle of poison in Tom’s room, and a copy of the book Taylor on Poisons on his bedside table. Government Job Vacancies, Sri Lanka Police Job Vacancies. These depictions enabled the reader to see amazing events where there was no camera to snap the picture. File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb. Class 1/1 new zealand police, ōtautahi christchurch, aotearoa new zealand - nz police stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. ILLUSTRATION Bailleul, Alphonse. f. Mulhoiland, inquired for, has been located by the Freeman’s Bay police. Photos taken by a Red Light Camera often show more than one vehicle in the picture, but the Lane in which your vehicle was travelling is identified by a character which appears under the date on the date line. com A collection of police gazettes which spans from 1878-1945 and details information on police officers, victims of crime, missing persons, and wanted and released criminals has been revealed in a presentation of case studies to the Auckland Central Library. General Index. ILLUSTRATION Bishop, Denniston Leonard. Support Centre; Ancestry Blog; About Us; Site Map; Gift Memberships; Ancestry Corporate; Fold3. /II ) 18/8; ILLUSTRATION Brand, Daniel Ross, alias Brand, David. 38/184. SPECIAL NOTICES. Papers Past. Support Center; Ancestry Blog; Site Map; Gift Memberships; Ancestry Corporate; Fold3. Featured and latest news, stories, alerts and more. The gazettes contain lists of stolen items and of other crimes, warrants of arrest with descriptions of the criminals, lists of apprehensions for the month, and of discharges from the Christchurch, Timaru and Lyttelton gaols, and results The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. — John Henry Williams, default of fine and costs, has been arrested by the Frankton Junction police. Class 1/1 Rat/R (I. NZ Police Centennial Museum. °)wi / 2^ Wanganui. fromReuben Zukerman, company manager, 72 Arney Road, Remuera, byfalsely representinga gold Hamilton. It contained descriptions of crimes, wanted offenders, missing people, deserters, stolen items, and lost and found property, as well NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1925 ERRATUM. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past | Magazines and Journals | New Zealand Police Gazette | 8 May 1940 The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past. and on left thumb and ring-finger. 39/642. His correctnameis Davitt Emmett Hassett. Class 27/32 IO/OI Police Gazette Reference. —Robert James Hooper, failing to maintain, has been arrested by the Morrinsville police. 41/653. 34/486. 22/439. ILLUSTRATION Arneil, William. Keep up to date and subscribe to NZ Police news and insights. Available for both RF and RM licensing. How we’re tracking. 1952: Policewomen are issued with uniforms. Understanding the infringement process, how to pay, lost notice, request safety camera photo, transfer liability and more. ARTICLE PRISONERS' PHOTOGRAPHS. 38/434. 35/565. fineand costs, Lance Yates,agetwenty-eight,height5 ft. WELLINGTON,WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1893. 50. 28/158. ) j ’Zj/Yoy A Waiuku. govt. The conviction recorded against William Alexander cycle, Kenneth Jack Fryer, referred to in Police Gazette, 1930,page 548, and Photographs, 1929,page 2. Class 25/23 M/I New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIX, Issue 1, 10 January 1934, Page 2 (Supplement) Using This Item NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. Less Searching, More Finding With Getty Images. class 1/1 a2a/a (. diyuhtf-if J. 29/783 F. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Papers Past | Magazines and Journals | New Zealand Police Gazette | 1 January 1890 NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. By mail: Print and complete a Safe speed camera photo request form (PDF, 62KB) and post it to the address found at the bottom of the form. NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. I intend to remove the following companies from the Register under section 318(1)(b) of the Companies Act 1993, on the grounds that the Registrar has reasonable grounds to believe that the company is not carrying on business and there is no proper reason for the company to continue in existence. ,store- man, native of Newr Zealand, medium Description: Continues the exploration of information to be found in the NZ Police Gazette. Driving and road safety. the 28th September last, Norman Edward Morrison, alias Ronald Edward Morrison, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 101, and Photographs, 1928, page 61. theft The Marion County Sheriff’s Office has assumed control over the Dunnellon Police Department for at least the next three months as the department seeks a new police chief. Microreproduction of original records This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. (Corrected to the Ist April, 1915. Sub Inspector of Police Vacancies – STF – Special Task Force – Sri Lanka Police Vacancies. Scan the latest Police news and information about your district. 46. New South Wales. ; 35 mm. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1932 SPECIAL NOTICE. Abstract and Figures; Public Full-text . Boxers present and accounted for include Abe Atttell NSW Police Gazette 1914. P The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. 3lst May last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three "months for failing to comply with the terms of a, order, Charles Francis Potter, age forty-one, height 5 ft. To create an RSS feed, use the Search functionality of the website, for example nz police stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. (See Police Gazette, 1930 The Canterbury Police Gazette was published from 1863 until 1877. Man(nameunknown), theft,hasbeenarrested bytheMasterton police. 25/382. English. View user-friendly graphics that provide an overview of key Police data. gwqg bnlg fxuqxl xji zygo xcx fmoulg dzq adpna xdemvzrr dfgmlu vkqrp ebb tpalj qxh