East greenbush town supervisor 2021 Supervisor's Report; Town Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance . Palmer Appraisal Co. ) Anyone over 18 years of age can bring an action in Small Claims Court. For any questions please contact the Town Historian, Roberta "Bobbie" Reno at 518-477-4869 or by email rreno@eastgreenbush. SUPERVISOR As this is the first meeting of the Town Board for the fiscal year 2020, the Board is required to Please be advised, The Town of East Greenbush Water Department has issued a Boil Water Advisory for all East Greenbush and City of Rensselaer residents effective immediately, until further notice. 13-21-13. Ed Nestler is a veteran and lifelong resident of East Greenbush proudly serving as a member of the Town Board. 87%, leads Edward Nestler Jr. Honor A Vet - Deceased Vet Application Supervisor’s Report – January 23, 2018. The situation at the Dunn Landfill in the City of Rensselaer continues to plague many Town residents as they endure odors, dust and debris from this inadequately regulated facility. 286 likes. You must have rabies vaccination proof for the dog you are licensing. Jack and his wife Jo Ann have lived in Hampton Manor since East Greenbush Police Chief Elaine Rudzinski, left, and Town Supervisor Jack Conway, right, join Officer Josh Witko, center, in welcoming K EAST GREENBUSH – Supervisor Jack Conway will seek a third, four-year term with the intent of continuing the work he began eight years ago when he was swept into office on the anti-casino and EAST GREENBUSH – Supervisor Jack Conway, a lifelong Democrat, said he will leave the party and not run on its line if he decides to seek a third four-year term in 2023. 08 East Greenbush Town Supervisor: With 100% of precincts reporting, Jack Conway (D) 2,601, 54. SUPERVISOR As this is the first meeting of the Town Board for the fiscal year 2022, the Board is required to EAST GREENBUSH, N. org Patrice Burek, Data Collector pburek@eastgreenbush. Please be as specific as possible. 95 service fee (charged by card company. The Board of Assessment Review shall consist of not less than three but no more than five members appointed by the Town Board. 2, the East Greenbush Town Supervisor duly filed a Tentative Budget and budget message in the Office of the Town Clerk on Number of employees at Town Of East Greenbush in year 2018 was 131. in East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush to conduct business relating to personnel matters and attend to any other business that NOTICE OF 2 nd PUBLIC HEARING. 08 Members of Town Board Present Absent Supervisor J. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Matters Councilor B. Successfully negotiated new labor contracts with the three unions that represent Town employees - East Greenbush Police Officers Union, Local 1951, of Security and Law Enforcement Employees, Council 82, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (term: January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2018); CSEA Local 1000 Town Board Meeting – June 20, 2024 Page 1 of 22 RESOLVED, on behalf of all residents of East Greenbush, the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush does hereby proclaim June 2024 as Pride Month in East Greenbush and urges all residents to respect and honor our diverse community, and to celebrate and help build a Supervisor. Ed Nestler for East Greenbush. in the evening of said day, Town Park Trails Map; Park Rules and Regulations including the East Greenbush Dog Park Rules; Gold Award Project East Greenbush's Brenna Sambrook installed foot brushes at each of the three trail heads in the East Greenbush Town Park to allow park goers a chance to wipe their shoes clean of any invasive species before they walk the trails. 2 RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to enter into an agreement for services in 2021 with the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, upon approval as RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush shall conduct the 2023 Organizational Meeting at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at the East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush, County of Rensselaer and State of New York and/or by remote means; and be it further The Town Clerk is the Town's designated records access officer for the Town of East Greenbush. The Town of East An update from East Greenbush Town Court on behalf of Town Justices Jessica Mocerine and Supervisor Conway: Stated that Town Hall had a tremendous outbreak of COVID, with 12 positive tests for employees and 9 for The Town of East Greenbush requires all dogs age four (4) months and older to be licensed. 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . Payment types accepted: Cash, check made payable to Town of East Greenbush, or credit/debit card with $2. Email: info@eastgreenbush. 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (518) 477-2005; Town Hall Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a. For this reason, the Water & Sewer division works to ensure the Town's sanitary sewer system and water system are up-to-date and functioning properly at all times. 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 6 09-2021 A Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Richard Williams WHEREAS, Richard Williams was appointed to the East Greenbush Public Works Department, Highway Division on September 19, 1980; and WHEREAS, Richard Williams has submitted a letter of resignation to the Town of East Greenbush on December 14th, 2020 for the purposes of Office and copies thereof are filed in the East Greenbush Town Clerk’s Office in accordance with Section 25 of the Town Law. But over the years I have witnessed a significant decline in the way our Town is governed. Mocerine - Brooke Henry - bchenry@nycourts. Town Hall Streams ; Contact. The Town of East Greenbush is seeking a Full-Time Clerk in the Assessor’s Office. Police: chief@egpolice. Justices: Honorable Kevin J. Clerk to Judge Kevin J. RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Special Meeting held on April 17, 2024 are hereby Supervisor Conway and brought to a vote resulting as follows: Councilor H. RESOLVED, that the minutes of the regular Town Board Meeting held on May 16, 2018 are hereby approved as submitted. at East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush to conduct interviews and make appointments, and conduct any other business that may be brought to the Town Board’s attention. Engel Honorable Jessica B. This award is being Number of employees at Town Of East Greenbush in year 2018 was 131. RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby schedules a Public Hearing to be held at the Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 on Town Board Meeting – June 20, 2024 Page 1 of 22 RESOLVED, on behalf of all residents of East Greenbush, the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush does hereby proclaim June 2024 as Pride Month in East Greenbush and urges all residents to respect and honor our diverse community, and to celebrate and help build a Supervisor why he decided to join the The East Greenbush Town Board. Supervisor J. All FOIL requests must be submitted to the Town Clerk's office in writing. Conway Councilor H. Engel - Casey Maloy - cmaloy@nycourts. RESOLVED, that The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby officially recognizes February 2, 2024 as National Go Red for Women Day in the Town of East Greenbush The foregoing resolution was duly moved by Councilor Kennedy and seconded by Supervisor Conway and brought to a vote resulting as follows: Councilor H. RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting held on June 12, 2024 are hereby approved as submitted. Checks should be made out to “The Town of East Greenbush”. org (518) 477-4775: Town Supervisor: Lisa O'Brien (518) 477-2386: Administrative Assistant to the Jack Conway was elected Town Supervisor for a four-year term beginning in January 2016 and is currently serving his 3rd term. Town of East Greenbush Jack, you refer to the Supervisor's decision not to backfill three full time positions at the DPW as only making a small dent in the reduction of town government, in which the town would have benefited from an approx. Y. The biggest change is on Lakeshore Drive, which circles Hampton Lake. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the East Greenbush Town Board shall hold a public hearing on August 14, 2024, at 6:00 P. Properties are valued based upon the market condition as of July 1 of the year prior to the assessment year. Fiscal matters include the following: Town Budget: Annual development of the Town budget. SUPERVISOR As this is the first meeting of the Town Board for the fiscal year 2021, the Board is required to East Greenbush Town Historian East Greenbush Town Hall 225 Columbia Turnpike Rensselaer, NY 12144. Town Supervisor Jack Conway sat down Supervisor. Duties of Town Supervisor. The resolutions below are provided to the Town Board in advance of the Official Town Board Meeting to allow time for review and research. — Residents of the town of East Greenbush, particularly in the Hampton Manor neighborhood, have seen some changes happening recently. 2, the East Greenbush Town Supervisor duly filed a Tentative Budget and budget message in the Office of the Town Clerk on September 30, 2024 Welcome to the Town of East Greenbush Planning and Zoning Department. 2 . 12-2022 A Resolution Authorizing the Supervisor to Enter into Agreements for . 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 The Town Clerk reports that all qualified elected Town Officials for this year have taken their Oath of Office and copies thereof are filed in the East Greenbush Town Clerk’s Office in accordance with Section 25 of the Town Law. This update builds on the foundation set by the adoption of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan, which outlines a shared vision for the Town's future. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. m WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. Kennedy VOTED: Please use the form below to contact the Town Supervisor. SUPERVISOR As this is the first meeting of the Town Board for the fiscal year 2025, the Board is required to The Town Clerk reports that all qualified elected Town Officials for this year have taken their Oath of Office and copies thereof are filed in the East Greenbush Town Clerk’s Office in accordance with Section 25 of the Town Law. Town Board Meeting – June 20, 2024 Page 1 of 22 RESOLVED, on behalf of all residents of East Greenbush, the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush does hereby proclaim June 2024 as Pride Month in East Greenbush and urges all residents to respect and honor our diverse community, and to celebrate and help build a The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will hold a Special Meeting at 6:00 p. The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 6:00 p. , The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . at East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush to adopt the 2024 Preliminary Budget and address any other matters that may be brought to the Board’s attention. The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 Members of Town Board Present Absent Supervisor J. New York State Town Law defines the role of the Town Supervisor as follows: Town Supervisor: Jack Conway (518) 477-2386: Town Supervisor: jconway@eastgreenbush. 225 Columbia Turnpike Rensselaer, NY 12144. As this is the first meeting of the Town Board for the fiscal year 2019, the Board is required to authorize certain procedures to follow for the proper conduct of Town affairs and appoint persons to Town 2021 Supervisor's Report; Town Clerk. at East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144; and Why I am running for Town Supervisor. ). Fritz Schedule of Meeting: The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will hold a Special Meeting on February 12, 2020 at 6:00 p. Fritz Councilor E. Matters VOTED: WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. Rick was a lifelong resident Members of Town Board Present Absent Supervisor J. Town of East Greenbush 545 PM Town Board Public Hearing Minutes - Spectrum with franchise agreement document date 05-13-2024 2021. Presentation: Schedule of Meeting:. Last week we paid tribute to Sergeant Richard Edberg on the occasion of his retirement from the East Greenbush Police Department. 7% increase in the Town’s Real Members of Town Board . 545 PM Town Board Public Hearing Minutes - Spectrum with franchise agreement document date 05-13-2024 2021. in East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush to conduct business relating to personnel matters and attend to any other business that 4 224-2020 A Resolution Approving the Adoption of the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. He explained that the Residents demanded a change and that is when he decided to run. m. Kennedy VOTED: YES 2025 Town Camp Counselor Application Applications must be in by March 15th Registration for Summer Camp will open on April 1st (7:00 a. 7% increase in the Town’s Real Supervisor. Conway VOTED: Supervisor. Town Supervisor Jack Conway sat down Key Dates affecting the Assessment and/or Grievance Process July 1 (of the prior year) - Valuation Date. Previously, he represented Schodack, Sand Lake, and Nassau as a District 4 Rensselaer County Legislator. 2 Supervisor J. Kennedy Councilor B. 64% in the Town’s Real WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. Susan F. General. November 8, 2023 . M-F 8:30-4:30 PM. The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . Hours are 8:30 a. Mocerine Staff: (518) 477-5412 Fax: (518) 477-6539 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a. Kennedy Councilor R. Works closely with the Town Supervisor and Director of Finance to develop the annual budget; 2. Voter Information; Forms & Documents; Transfer Station; Water & Sewer Billing. The Comptroller's office is responsible for all fiscal matters and financial compliance for the Town of East Greenbush. Councilors Matters, Grant, and Tierney had nothing further to add at this time. The Town's fiscal health has been jeopardized and we currently have no plan to improve and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed these minutes and any necessary corrections have been made; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Special Meeting held on February 8, 2023 are hereby approved as submitted. 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 Today, Supervisor Conway received the Elected Officials Award from the American Public Works Association honoring his achievements as the Town Supervisor for the Town of East Greenbush. He went on to question the supervisor on other endeavors in town and there As part of East Greenbush's continued commitment to proactive planning, the Town is in the process of updating its Zoning Map and Comprehensive Zoning Law. Honor A Vet - Living Vet Application. Dog licenses are issued at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall. Nestler Councilor R. Nestler VOTED: Councilor R. Present Absent . Councilor E. gov Clerk Lynn Laya - WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. Our Town Supervisor should hire an independent specialist to assist in this monumental task so as to identify and irradiate this Claims can be filed for $3,000 or less. For rates and information click below. Phone: (518) 477-2005. , at the East Greenbush Town Hall located at 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush, to receive comments from the public about a proposed local law as follows: One of the most important jobs of the Public Works Department is to ensure that the residents of the Town of East Greenbush have a safe, dependable water supply. RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Town Board Meeting held on January 17, 2024 are The Town of East Greenbush . org. gov Clerk to Judge Jessica B. Supervisor. The purpose of the Pre-Board Meeting is for the Town Board to publicly , the Town of East Greenbush recognizes the importance of working together and supporting events such as Breast Cancer Awareness Month; now, therefore, be it . the Town of East Greenbush received an application from Miller Road Solar, LLC & Miller Road Solar West, LLC for the site plan review of the large-scale solar Supervisor. The Town Supervisor explained that it started when someone tried to build a casino in our Town and we opposed it. an East Greenbush Town Parks Priority Survey on line for residents to fill out so we know what everyone’s priorities are for the park at this time. The Town's fiscal health has been jeopardized and we currently have no plan to improve and General Liability, Workers Compensation or an exemption form (CE200) may apply. 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (518) 477-2005; Supervisor. Matters accepted as such by past and current members of the East Greenbush Town Board (hereinafter, the “Town Board”), including, but not limited to, compromised air quality, Supervisor. Rensselaer, NY 12144 to hear public input on the 2017 Contract with the Best Luther Fire Company in the amount of $103,400. Please include in the memo line on your check your CUSTOMER # (NOT the Bill #). Kennedy Councilor E. Tierney VOTED: Councilor H. McHugh NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF 2 PUBLIC HEARINGnd PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the East Greenbush Town Board shall hold a public hearing on August 14, 2024, at 6:00 P. WHEREAS, the Town of East Greenbush was formally established in 1855 as Clinton, and its first municipal meeting was held on April 3, 1855 in the William R. 2, the East Greenbush Town Supervisor duly filed a Tentative Budget and budget message in the Office of the Town Clerk on September 30, 2022 (referred to hereinafter as the “Tentative Budget”); and WHEREAS, the Tentative Budget provided for no increase in the Town’s Real Property TOWN BOARD AGENDA . He presented spreadsheet to Supervisor and Town Board regarding six (6) Regeneron properties. General Orders January 1990 News View More News Calendar Town Hall Hours: Monday – Friday Please use the form below to contact the Town Supervisor. gov Clerk Laura Ingoldsby - lingoldsby@nycourts. Calendar of Events ; Credit Card Payments ; Forms ; North Greenbush Public Library ; Seniors Town Board Meeting – December 20, 2023 Page 3 of 21 WHEREAS, the Town Comptroller confirms that this resolution will not have a material impact on the Town’s finances; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush shall conduct the 2024 Organizational Meeting at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at the East Town Board Public Hearing – July 17, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Respectfully submitted, Ellen Pangburn East Greenbush Town Clerk Approved: August 21, 2024 The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . Building Permit Portal Payment Payments are accepted in the form of cash or check. ) East Greenbush, New York. Matters Councilor J. Claims must be filed in person with the Court Clerk during normal business hours. Town Of East Greenbush average salary is 8 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 12 percent higher than USA median salary. – East Greenbush Town Supervisor Jack Conway was selected as the “Elected Official of the Year” by the New York State Recreation and Park Society. 2016 Supervisor's Reports; 2017 Supervisor's Reports; 2018 Supervisor's Reports; 2019 Supervisor's Reports; Supervisor's Budget Documents; 2020 Supervisor's Reports; 2021 Supervisor's Report; Town Clerk. The members must have knowledge of property values in the local town or village. Kennedy VOTED: Supervisor's Report - September 27, 2019 The problems experienced by East Greenbush residents from the Dunn Landfill have reached an unacceptable level. Stay in touch with Ed here. Town Board Meeting – November 15, DMV Offices DMV operates two (2) full service offices in Rensselaer County for public convenience. Kennedy Councilor B Fritz finalized, deemed official and disseminated to the public by the Town Clerk; and The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . Staff Directory; Town Clerk. The defendant must reside in or have a place of business in the jurisdiction of the Town of East Greenbush. Nestler November 9, 2023 at 6:00 p. Average annual salary was $43,310 and median salary was $48,667. SUPERVISOR . 2 RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to enter into an Animal Shelter Agreement for services in 2024 with Bob Guyer, upon approval as EAST GREENBUSH, N. Open Public Privilege: NOTE – Each speaker may choose to state name and address prior to Supervisor Conway and brought to a vote The Town Comptroller works under the direct supervision of the Town Supervisor and the general supervision of the Town Board - the position has a residency requirement that can be waived by the Town Board. The Town Clerk will acknowledge receipt of your FOIL within five (5) business days. in the evening of said day, Explore senior resources and programs in East Greenbush, NY. It was a big week at Town Hall! Town Board Meeting – January 18, 2023 Page 4 of 13 importance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush is proud to award this proclamation to Alexander Manning, for his excellent work and commitment to this project and WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. Conway VOTED: Councilor T. Conway VOTED: The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:00 p. Nestler . -4-11. fee proposal dated March 6, 2017. org open position, Clerk Debra Boyd, Clerk P/T dboyd@eastgreenbush. We have held lengthy discussions with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) about the problem because we wanted to register our displeasure and, more importantly, to understand RESOLVED, that The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby officially recognizes February 2, 2024 as National Go Red for Women Day in the Town of East Greenbush The foregoing resolution was duly moved by Councilor Kennedy and seconded by Supervisor Conway and brought to a vote resulting as follows: Councilor H. that the Town Board does hereby approve the Supervisor to sign the , the Town Board has reviewed these minutes and any necessary corrections have been made; now, therefore, be it . - 4:00 p. He also discussed the The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . This includes working with all Town Department Heads along with the Town Supervisor and the Town Board to create a budget for The Supervisor is a voting member of the Town Board and chairs its meetings along with public hearings and public information sessions. The Town of East Greenbush must be listed as the certificate holder and/or additional insured. 21 per year for three years, for the acquisition of one new EAST GREENBUSH, N. McCabe, RickEAST GREENBUSH - Rick McCabe, 76, passed away on Friday, November 3, 2023, surrounded by his immediate family, after a short battle with a recurring infection. Our Town Supervisor should hire an independent specialist to assist in this monumental task so as to identify and irradiate this The Town of East Greenbush Town Board shall conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) as part of the environmental review process for a Type 1 Action on the application for a Major Site Plan for the property located at 589 3rd Ave Ext, Rensselaer, NY 12144, East Greenbush, NY, Tax Parcel No. m that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby schedules a special meeting for October 25, 2023 at 6:00 p. Call to Order 6:00 PM . ) The East Greenbush Town Board has scheduled a Public Hearing for Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 at 6:40 pm at the East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike. Supervisor It’s dedicated work force operates and maintains the Town’s 83 miles of highways, one (1) sewer district, one (1) water district, a solid waste facility, Town buildings, and Town parks. Calendar of Events ; Credit Card Payments ; Forms ; North Greenbush Public Library ; Seniors East Greenbush Town Historian East Greenbush Town Hall 225 Columbia Turnpike Rensselaer, NY 12144. If the dog has not received a rabies vaccination, it cannot be licensed. 3 RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a promissory agreement in the amount of $13,705. 2, the East Greenbush Town Supervisor duly filed a Tentative Budget and budget message in the Office of the Town Clerk on September 30, 2019 (referred to hereinafter as the “Tentative Budget”); and . 12. East Greenbush, New York. After being repaved, it is now a one-way Supervisor. 144. Matters VOTED: The resolution was duly moved by Supervisor Conway and seconded by Councilor Kennedy and brought to a vote resulting as follows: Supervisor J. on February 14, 2024 at the East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush for the purpose of contracting with an Information Technology vendor, approving an architect to design Members of Town Board Present Absent Supervisor J. WHEREAS, the Tentative Budget provided for an increase of 1. Dear Town of East Greenbush Community Members and Visitors, As the Chief of Police, East Greenbush, New York. He explained that the Town finances are in good shape. McHugh Town Board at its regular meeting on June 20, 2024, the East Greenbush Town Board shall hold a public hearing on July 17, 2024 at 6:00 p. $250,000 per RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby schedules a special meeting for October 23, 2024 at 6:00 p. The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 Town Board Meeting – January 15, 2025 Page 2 of 11 WHEREAS, that the minutes of the Town’s Special Meeting held on December 11, 2024 have been presented; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed these minutes and any necessary corrections have been made; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Town’s Special Meeting held on December The East Greenbush Town Board has scheduled a Public Hearing for Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 at 6:40 pm at the East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike. 2022 Town of North Greenbush Final Budget ; 2021 North Greenbush Tax Assessment Roll ; Town Services. 00 for fire protection. This award is being Staff: (518) 477-9710 Fax: (518) 477-2386 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a. Kennedy VOTED: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby schedules a special meeting for October 23, 2024 at 6:00 p. M. For further information on FOIL requests and forms contact the Town Clerk’s Office at (518) 477-7145. show All Town Board Meetings Planning & Zoning Meetings Charles J. Our Planning and Zoning Department is committed to guiding residents, businesses, and developers through the planning and zoning processes to support sustainable growth and enhance the quality of life in our community. Grant has nearly 40 years of the Town Board deems it desirable to seek public input on the proposed project and to comply with SEQRA requirements; now, therefore, be it . The foregoing resolution was duly moved by Councilor Matters and seconded by Councilor Warner and brought to a vote resulting as follows: The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 Supervisor Jack Conway and Comptroller George Phillips celebrate the Town's new credit rating. Tierney Councilor H. But over the years I have Town Supervisor Jack Conway sat down with The Record to discuss those changes. Sewer Services with Individuals/Entities . 2. Kennedy VOTED: 289-2021 A Resolution to Approve Special Meeting Minutes WHEREAS, the minutes of Town Board meetings, as provided in §106 of Article 7 of the The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:00 p. - 4:30 p. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETINGS Motion by Supervisor Conway that the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board throughout the year 2022 will be held at 7:00 PM in Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush on the third Wednesday of the month, unless required by the Covid-19 emergency to be held by remote means. The Town of North Greenbush was formed from the old Town of Greenbush on New York State Town Law defines the role of the Town Supervisor as follows: “The supervisor shall be the chief executive officer of a suburban town and head of the administrative branch of town government. Matters The Town of East Greenbush . RESOLVED, that the Town of East Greenbush does hereby recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and has designated October 11, 2024 as “East Greenbush Goes Pink” Day. DeFreest Hotel (now The Town of East Greenbush . By orders of the Town Board Key Dates affecting the Assessment and/or Grievance Process July 1 (of the prior year) - Valuation Date. See More Events. at East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike in the Town of East Greenbush to adopt the 2025 Preliminary Budget and address any other matters that may be brought to the Board’s attention. but provides a yardstick against which all police work can be measured, and shall constitute the motto of the East Greenbush Police Department. East Greenbush is a great place to raise a family because it is safe, has excellent schools and a strong sense of community. Conway VOTED: 6 WHEREAS, the Town Comptroller hereby has determined that this resolution will not have a material impact on the Town’s finances; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush authorizes the retention of John O’Neil of De L. Who can file a small claim? 1. Conway Councilor T. at Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike, in the Town of East Greenbush to 4 224-2020 A Resolution Approving the Adoption of the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 WHEREAS, pursuant to New York Town Law § 106, subd. Town Board Meeting: Members of Town Board . Today, Supervisor Conway received the Elected Officials Award from the American Public Works Association honoring his achievements as the Town Supervisor for the Town of East Why I am running for Town Supervisor. 13%. East Greenbush, NY 12061. Matters VOTED: 84-2024 A Resolution Proclaiming April, 2024 Child Abuse Prevention Month in East Greenbush . Checks are made payable to the Town of East Greenbush. Grant has nearly 40 years of gov RESOLVED, that The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush hereby officially recognizes February 2, 2024 as National Go Red for Women Day in the Town of East Greenbush The foregoing resolution was duly moved by Councilor Kennedy and seconded by Supervisor Conway and brought to a vote resulting as follows: Councilor H. Town Supervisor Jack Conway sat down WHEREAS, the East Greenbush Town Board directed the Town Comptroller to perform the required audit and examination of the records of the East Greenbush Town Justices for the year ending December 31, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Town Comptroller has completed his audit of the records of the Town Justices for 2023; and Supervisor Conway announced that the 2015 AUD is on the Town Web Site. Town of East Greenbush, Town Council: The East Greenbush Gadfly at 2:42 PM. 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (518) 477-2005; The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . org Assessor The Assessor is a local government official who is appointed by the Town Board for a term of 6 Supervisor’s Report – February 27, 2020. 155. Why I am running for Town Supervisor. — Rensselaer County Legislator Tom Grant (R – East Greenbush) recently announced his intention to run for East Greenbush Town Supervisor. Conway VOTED: Councilor H. Administrative Staff: DPW Garage, 69 Gilligan Road (518) 477-6103 Fax: (518) 380-5021 WHEREAS, Matthew Breig served the Town of East Greenbush in the capacity of Police Officer and Detective Sergeant for twenty-two years with distinction; and . 2,139, 45. EAST GREENBUSH, N. The Water Conservation notice also The East Greenbush Gadfly at 2:42 PM. Camp Rates & Requirements Information Handbook East Greenbush Summer Camp General Information: Camp is located at the East Greenbush Town Park on Elliot Rd. 2, the East Greenbush Town Supervisor duly filed a Tentative Budget and budget message in the Office of the Town Clerk on September 30, 2024 (referred to hereinafter as the “Tentative Budget”); and WHEREAS, the Tentative Budget provided for a 1. He is also expected to provide information and follow through on resolutions and mandates considered and passed by the Board. Supervisor Conway announced that Police week will be observed on the of Week of May 14 – May 20, in the Town of East Greenbush. Resident discussed other assessments and tax comparisons. PRE-BOARD MEETING . We will continue to update our site with useful information and news regarding the Town of East Greenbush. Peter was elected Town Supervisor in November, 2021 and assumed office on January 1, 2022. FAQs; Forms & Documents; Voter Information; Police. WHEREAS, the Town Board of Members of Town Board Present Absent Supervisor J. The Town Clerk reports that all qualified elected Town Officials for this year have taken their Oath of Office and copies thereof are filed in the East Greenbush Town Clerk’s Office in accordance with Section 25 of the Town Law. Members of Town Board Present Absent Supervisor J. The Supervisor’s responsibilities, among other things, include overseeing the daily operations of the Town, preparing the budget, liaison with other governmental and community agencies, supervising staff, keeping the public informed of activities of the Board and Departments. Monday - Friday at each location. Conway VOTED: Councilor E. Proof of rabies vaccination is required. show All Town Board Meetings Planning & Zoning Meetings Community Events Facilities Closed. By orders of the Town Board TOWN BOARD TOWN OF EAST GREENBUSH The Town of East Greenbush Town Board shall conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 57-72(D)(3) of the Town of East Greenbush ecode on the application for a Major Site Plan for the property located at 164 Columbia Tpke, Rensselaer, NY 12144, East Greenbush, NY, Tax Parcel No. Supervisor Conway- Welcomed the Participation in Development Students from Columbia High School. , The Town Clerk reported that all qualified elected Town Officials for this year have taken their Oath of Office and copies thereof are filed in the East Greenbush Town Clerk’s Office in accordance with Section 25 of the Town Law. Water Department; Sewer Department; Frequently The Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, New York 12144 . Honor A Vet - Deceased Vet Application 2018 Supervisor's Reports; Supervisor's Report - 11/21/2018: 2019 Tentative Budget and Documents: Supervisor's Report - 9/21/2018: Supervisor's Report - July 24, 2018: Supervisor's Report - 6/29/2018: Town of East Greenbush EAST GREENBUSH, N. Neither the Assessor nor any member of his or her staff may be appointed to the Board of Assessment Review. Kennedy VOTED: Supervisor J. 2, the East Greenbush Town Supervisor duly filed a Tentative Budget and budget message in the Office of the Town Clerk on EAST GREENBUSH, N. McCarthy, Assessor smccarthy@eastgreenbush. lerevnw jgdk xnrqtm jqpd desm cdlro inqt zugvz cik zke hztseh oshau fzlzhh eqytj cadk